Since the inception of the Grand National the Cow Palace has hosted San Francisco students to help spread agriculture to its urban neighbors.  In 2016 a push was created to help streamline and improve previous “school visits” thus Kids at the Palace was born.

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Highlights of the program include:

  • Transitioning a previously analog contact and enrollment system to digital.
  • Researching and obtaining the contact for all schools within the target market.
  • Utilizing email marketing and web based sign ups in response to teachers requests for an easier process.
  • Re-structured layout and volunteer set-up to more efficiently use limited resources.

Key achievements of this project:

  • Doubled attendance from previous years.
  • Utilized specialty acts and other contract acts on site that were “on the clock” but not contributing to the experience at that time.
  • Created a completely unique experience reflective of the Bay Area’s mindset.