I’m dying to see how this one ends…

Yes I used Taylor Swift lyrics as a title, just cause I know L loves her (not). As you may have noticed I did a major overhaul to the bloggy interface. For the past two years since I got really into  blogging I have constantly stressed over my blog’s look/feel/statement… Blame the web designer in […]

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DYI…. Delight or Disaster

It’s been a bit since I have updated y’all on my adventure towards the pageant, blame it on queening! So as any rider in the history of the earth knows this sport takes a LOT of stuff and is almost never cheap. Well when I decided to get into queening I figured that it couldn’t be […]

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Miss what?!

One of my greatest aspirations in life is to be considered a belle. Not like the annoying thing at old churches but a stunning classy home grown debutante. Though I may not have grown up in the South, in some ways I am as far from Californian as it gets. I adore my state and […]

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