So today I ventured across the bay to visit the barn of another blogger, L from Viva Carlos (also the home of Karley and Kat, who were MIA). It was a tad rough getting up early on my only day off, did I mention I work 6 days a week. But by the time I was all bundled up drove through Starbucks and hit the freeway, I was feeling a lot better about myself.

In the negative billion (ok maybe only 30) degree weather, I was incredibly happy that I had all my clothes from the frozen tundra of Kansas. I kinda wish I had taken a pic cause I managed to look fairly cute as a giant purple marshmallow. It was wonderful watching L and the talented Ramone as they went through their paces.

Pretty sure L might have gotten annoyed with my running tirade of how freaking adorable Ramone is.  Also if Ramone turns up missing the last place y’all will want to look is my barn. In any event it was quite enjoyable to watch them. L gave me a tour of the barn, and I spent a ton of time cuddling with the completely precious Frosty.

After the barn we grabbed some lunch, then L went off to a baby shower and I headed to finish my Christmas shopping. After 4 hours and 3 stops I managed to finish all of my Christmas shopping! All in all I am super pleased with what a wonderful day it was. Wow that was a kinda boring blog… Anyway!

Love ya,

Cuddling with Frosty, my new friend. 
L & Ramone kisses, with Henry creeping casually. 

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