Most everyone has seen National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, but for those of you living under a rock it’s a classic comedy about a haphazard family and their holiday together. This weekend I went on my own version, of a crazy chaotic and entertaining family vacation. Most, ok all, of my family’s travels have been related horses. But about once every 5 years my mother decides that we must go on a horseless family vacation.

So we packed all 6 of us (two parents three dogs and yours truly) in the pickup and headed up the state to the beautiful California coast. Mom had booked us reservations at a high end camping area right on the beach just up the road from their alma mater. Just like the movie our trip was off to a interesting start as we had three dogs and myself piled in the backseat of our big pickup. This is less pleasant than it sounds, did I mention we have a 60 lb Australian Shepard, 30 lb McNabb cattle dog and a Welsh Corgi puppy. This led to a very cramped and crabby backseat, which got even more fun when our McNabb, Ella, had a little accident, then proceeded to jump into the front seat spraying the entire truck.

Needless to say the next 3 hours were less than enjoyable. We got to the campground, got situated and started our trip. The trip went on pretty smoothly as we just went to the beach, biked around town, and saw the sights. This was our youngest furry family’s first visit to the beach, and it was amusing to say the least. If you’re not familiar with them Welsh Corgis are about a foot high, three feet long, and two feet wide. Similar to a doggie version of a limo. As the big dogs played ball, little Raleigh did his best to keep up. But basically he looked like a cartoon character with spinning wheels going nowhere.

Our vacation went on, visiting my parents alma mater, this was my first time really visiting their school and it was fun to hear their memories. It was quite entertaining to learn that my parents were possibly more wild than myself.

Who would have thought going on vacation with your parents as an adult could actually be fun. Thankfully they left the fanny packs at home or I would have been slightly more mortified.



Ella and Raleigh playing ball.

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