House hunting! Sorta…

At this point in my life I can comfortably say I understand how those who are looking for a new home feel. I have also decided with a great degree of certainty, I have no desire to EVER partake in that process.  Currently I am painstakingly attempting to find a barn. Like I said just […]

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I’m on my computer….. again

After a wonderful dinner with L at a super cute hole in the wall down the road from my house I am back in front of my computer. If you had told me in college that I would spend 9 hours a day in front of a computer, then go home to another one I’d […]

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5 Day Challenge- Day 4

16. One thing you’d like to change about your horse.  You can tell in this how hishair sticks out like a poofy dogand this photo is from April! This is a super hard one. Because I am one of those people that think’s my horse is perfect, event if they are crow hopping across the […]

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To Show or Not to Show

As I sit in my big girl office, designing websites and doing other big girl job things. I got a notification that one of my favorite bloggers posted her latest “blog hop” I have been blogging for about 4 years sporadically but have only very recently gotten into an acutal blogging community. I figured what better […]

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