The greats

So everyone has their favorites, from Babe Ruth to George Morris, every sport has hall of famers that truly change the game. Rodeo queens are no exception, but for me the greats are not just best of the best, or those with the most saddles come age 26 (cause our careers have a ticking clock); […]

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Modern Dating AKA better get married quick

In the regular world also known as not rodeo queen land, when one is of a certain age (read this over 20 and still single) their loved ones believe that they need to “fix” said relationship status. Grandma is worried she might never meet a nice guy. Dad is worried he will be stuck with you […]

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It’s official!

Well just this week it was officially announced that I am a candidate for Miss Rodeo USA, nervous, excited, and just really really busy only begins to describe everything going through my head. Am I ready to tackle the biggest challenge of my life (yes it is even bigger than trying to make the corgi […]

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Boy Am I Thankful

I am so thankful, for so many things that they could never possibly be written. But mostly I want to say I am thankful for each and every individual that has passed through my life, equine, canine and human. I am incredibly blessed for all of you, and the ways that you improve my life.

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A Grand Old Time

Whew I survived! My first Grand National Rodeo as a staff member. With 2 weeks, visits from 5 family members, one botched horse show class, and 500 students in one school tour; I can officially say this was the best Grand National ever. Running around our facility I was right in my element, making sure […]

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At it Again

Well I am back at it again, bit by the rodeo bug. After a personal phone call from one Harmony Latham, hometown friend and Miss Rodeo USA herself, I headed to the Miss Rodeo USA Clinic. One jet plane ride, three days of instruction and several strangers turned family I walked away with a ton […]

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On the Rodeo Road Again

Well, big kid life can’t keep me down for long! This weekend I was able to escape the big city and venture south for the iconic, California Rodeo Salinas. Following Mother-Lode when I sent Mouse down south, she was quickly scooped up by Rachel. With her pony out of commission it was my turn to […]

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Closing a chapter

As promised, rodeo week! The week in between was spent racing about to school visits, radio interviews, and making sure everything was ready to roll. I was so incredibly excited to share my rodeo not only with Rachelle, whom I had watched be crowned, but also Miss Rodeo California, Rachel, who I traveled with earlier […]

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Where has the time gone?

It is May? Seriously I cannot believe it is May. I am officially no longer a rodeo queen. I’m what we affectionately call a has-been. But before I can get into that, I have to tell you about the last month! Following the wedding in true Reba style I managed to kill my truck, like […]

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The rodeo family

It is almost May… I can’t believe it’s almost May. So much has happened that I have forgotten half it. But let me tell you it’s been so worth it. We survived millions of ticket turn-ins, realized each and every one of these girls are my new family and traveled to several rodeos. One of […]

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