OneMerck is the livestock focused customer loyalty program for the Merck Animal Health brand.
OneMerck is the livestock focused customer loyalty program for the Merck Animal Health brand.
Several email campaigns created using Constant Contact and Mail Chimp for the Cow Palace.
Kids at the Palace is a single day immersive agricultural education experience for students from the San Francisco area.
In the spirit of giving back, for 2016 Grand National Rodeo introduced a Tough Enough to Wear Pink night. Supporting the local organization Bay Area Cancer Connections, thousands of dollars were raised to help Bay Area women in need.
The #mycowpalacestory was a social media campaign launched across the Cow Palace and Grand National Rodeo accounts; the aim was to create a digital archive of memories. #Mycowpalacestory earned the 2016 Social Media Recognition of Excellence from the Western Fairs Association.
[wc_button type=”primary” url=”” title=”View full story with photos.” target=”” url_rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=”” position=”” class=””]View Full Story with Photos[/wc_button] Grand National Rodeo Program • October 2016 In 1931 a wry comment by a San Francisco reporter about a local construction project would lead to an iconic legacy. “Why, when people are starving, should money be spent […]
A full scale branding effort completed for the Sonora Old City Hotel historic property. With branding came increased recognition of the property, including rededication of the site as an important historic monument in 2011.
Work with Stanford University consisted of a web redesign, print branding and social media launch.